How do I get more traffic to my blog or website
Oh my. This is actually a big question. There is a short answer and some longer answers 🙂
The short version
Getting traffic is really about doing a few things well. It's not magic at all. The three things are:
- Create a really good and engaging website with lots of good content
That will make Google love your site and send you visitors.
And it will make visitors come back and maybe even post your site on Facebook and in other places. Which gives you even more visitors. - Update your site and content freqently
That will make Google love your site even more - Google checks if you update the site frequently...! And again, that will make Google send you more visitors AND they will experience that new stuff is happening and will be more likely to come back. And share your site, so you get more visitors... - Tell people about your site
Make sure that you post links to your site frequently everywhere you can. And write nice little interesting teasers when you share, don't just post the link. The most obvious place is to post on Facebook, because there are so many people there. But think of putting your link in the footer of mails, on Twitter, in fora that you belong to, on Pinterest and so on and so on. The rule is: The more sharing, the bettter!
So what should your checklist be?
Set up a small plan for yourself like this:
- I will complete my site and make it really nice
- I will post or update something new at least three times a week
- I will post a link to my site on Facebook with a real nice teaser, every time I have made an update
That is guaranteed to bring you traffic!
The longer version
You can really do a lot to get more traffic. It's all about what we just said above, but we can give you many more details. You can check out the SimpleSite blog, where we have a lot of in-depth articles of how to get traffic.
Click here to read our blog posts about getting traffic